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How to safely invest large sums of money

how to safely invest large sums of money

Investing can be challenging whether you have won a lottery or inherited a large sum of money. If you are not careful, there is a good chance you will lose a significant portion of it. So here are some tips and tricks that anyone looking to invest large sums of money should know.

You may need an advisor.

Before deciding what to do with your money, you might want to consult a financial advisor if you don’t have prior investing experience. Because stockbrokers, bankers, and insurance companies frequently receive commissions, choosing a fee-only advisor with the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) is generally wise.

They might not always be acting in your best interest if they’re being paid to recommend one investment over another.

Before you receive the money

There is some preparation you have to take before receiving the amount. Make sure you have a bank account that can hold the entirety of your balance. You should also plan and pay off all the debts you may have, like mortgage, credit card payments, and student loans.

Decide how long you want to invest.

Short term:

Before you invest your money, it is important to ask yourself about the maximum duration you want to invest. If you decide to hold the money for short-term purposes, a high-value saving account or money market account will be best for you.

Money market accounts have higher interest rates and come with banking perks like withdrawal support at ATMs. Saving accounts are also great options, but they offer slightly lower interest rates but do not have any requirement for a minimum balance.

Long term:

Before investing your money outside of money market funds, you should have a plan or structure in place for how it will be used or for what will ultimately become your investment portfolio. You don’t want to keep your money in a liquid savings account like that for an extended period of time because you might miss an opportunity to make it work harder for you.

You can take several long-term investment options, including investing in the stock market, mutual funds, or even crypto. Have a definite plan and make sure you understand the risks associated before pulling the trigger.

Would you invest for the short term or long term?

So obviously, the question now is whether you should invest for the short term or the long term. Obviously, there is no easy answer, both serve different purposes, and you should choose the one that best suits your needs.

But most experts agree that if you are certain you won’t need the money any time soon, investing it in mutual funds or S&P 500 can be a good idea. But obviously, there is no guarantee for success, and there is a chance that your investment won’t yield the results you want.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and what you want the money to do for you in the short and long terms will be the main determining factors in determining how to invest your money. You can sort these aspects out and make financial decisions by speaking with a financial advisor.


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